When I spoke truth to myself


“What I do for a living is not what I’m supposed to with my life.”

These were the words that dripped from my lips before I took this picture in the waning days of summer. It wasn’t long after that I adopted this as my mantra.

It is been nearly 10 years since my serial flings with Mother Nature became a intrinsic part of who I am.

When I sift through the thousands of pictures that chornicle my excursions it is a etheral connection of sorts. Especially the fact that I can recall what I was thinking at the time that I took the picture.

When this happens, more often than not it gives me a sense of peace, a sense of clarity, which is a necessary ingredient for sanity with the other side of the coin being insanity and chaos.

The above picture was taken while I was in Baltimore’s Druid Hill Park, I was on mile 8 of a 30 some odd mile bike ride when I looked up and saw this tree out in the distance, I was taken aback as pulled something out of me. I was so moved that I stopped, got off the bike and stood there with my bike leaning against me, frozen in thought for several minutes before I started riding again.

This morning I was brought back to that time on the bike path… I muttered that mantra to myself over and over again until I got up.

I routinely prostrate myself before God asking to be fortified with clarity, strength, purpose and a road map for doing what it is that I’m supposed to do.

But for some strange reason I wonder if God has chosen this morning to reorient my processes… Forcing me to do what has always been the most difficult, speaking truth to myself.

So, in the spirit of repitition I recited my mantra from the park over and over again until clarity enveloped me. It was then that I realized that the power wasn’t in saying it, but it is in the steps taken to make it a false statement.

Match point to the Almighty.

Copyright © 2015 ShunPwrites. All Rights Reserved.


    1. shunpwrites says:

      Thank you Mr. Brown!


  1. Nomzi Kumalo says:

    The beauty is in the steps. Fabulous Shaun. I just posted a new poem so feel free to visit when you get the chance. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. bejamin4 says:

    A strong mantra there. I think we should all take that up. And I think there is power to repetition, especially when added to belief.

    Liked by 1 person

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