Who is Shun P. Writes?

Searching for God’s face…

Who is Shun P. Writes?

The short version…

I am an author, poet, storyteller, spoken word artist, essayist, genealogist, recovering journalist, self taught chef and ardent searcher of God’s face.

I am a native son of the Windy City and the voice behind shunpwrites.com, but the question that used to elude me ever since I could remember was:

“Who are you, really?”

Truth be told, when I started this blog in 2012, I wasn’t certain of who I was – only that I was wandering in the tumult of aspirations that weren’t mine to have.

I was well coiffed but empty inside...
A 3 piece suit didn’t make the man I learned.

However, the passage of years brought me the gift of humility.

I was swept onto the rails to face an uncomfortable truth – that I was in conflict with…

On the Susquehanna River
Walking the path.


Our archenemy is often the person that we will spend everyday of our live with…


When I came to terms that I was guilty of placing my faith and allegiance in the wrong places – any lingering fears about tossing my energy into a void that had no wherewithal or ability to reciprocate my investment crumbled as my Bigmama recalled one of her darkest moments, as she pointedly told me in 2014:

“Shit! Scared, scared for what?! I didn’t have no time to be scared!”

And… Whenever fear threatens I think of her.

Laughing from the pit of our soul.
My Grandmother is my Muse and Oracle

My Grandmother spoke power into me that day – and I was inspired to dig deeper – in an effort to understand the WHY behind the resilience that emanated throughout our ranks.

As I discovered the Ancients – I understood why the knees of my Elders never faltered.

But when I poked at my family tree, my efforts began to take on a life of its own – roughly 10 generations worth in some parts of the family tree.

I have spoken to groups of my Family around the country about the resilience of our Ancestors.

As I began finding my assorted family members around the country, I became a reluctant genealogist and given the moniker of the Ancestor Whisperer by my family.

And along the way, the Almighty…

Had this magnificent way of re-calibrating the tattered confines of my spirit.

I learned that love is the conduit to immortality – because love is energy and energy can be neither created or destroyed – it can only change form.

I saw that redemptive power in the form of my family and I resolved to tell their stories.

I owed my family the allegiance that I squandered to faceless entities.

This blog serves as literary catalog during an ongoing discovery of relevance – these narratives on this blog are a testament to the redemptive power of love – spanning the valleys of faith, love, poetry, genealogy, humility and food.

It is my sincere hope that my words can be fuel be for empowerment, rather than useless prattle that falls on deaf ears.

I thank you for the honor subscribing to ShunPWrites.com and joining me on these winding trails.

The paths are known to bend.

Feel free to reach out to me directly via: mrshunp@shunpwrites.com and follow me on Twitter and Instagram.

Copyright © 2012 – 2020 ShunPwrites. All Rights Reserved.


  1. Mary says:

    Nice to meet you ShunPWrites. Thank you for visiting my blog and now following, because of this I have the pleasure of being introduced to your writings. Looking forward to future posts. Mary

    Liked by 1 person

    1. shunpwrites says:

      FYI Cheri… This was one of the highlights of my year. To be called a great writer, by a great writer… Is nothing short of humbling! Thank you so much.


      1. Cheri says:

        awww, thank you! That’s very sweet and appreciated.


  2. Ghostwriter says:

    Hello, Shunpwrites! Thanks for checking out my blog and following!


  3. boomiebol says:

    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog


    1. shunpwrites says:

      It was my pleasure!


    2. shunpwrites says:

      And thank you for returning the favor!


  4. I love the quote from your aunt – sounds like she was a hoot! 🙂


    1. shunpwrites says:

      Yes, she certainly was! To say that she was an amazing person would be the understatement of the century! I miss her so much, but I know she never left my side.


  5. Reclusive Rachel says:

    Amazing blog! I sincerely look forward to reading more.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. shunpwrites says:

      You truly flatter me Rachel, thank you for your kind words!


  6. emersenlee says:

    Hey there! Thanks for your nice note. I followed it to your blog😄 you write extremely. Thought provoking posts…


  7. Words have always been my friends, too! I get it…


    1. shunpwrites says:

      And the best thing is that they always give it to you straight Shelia!


  8. Tina says:

    ShunP, I am enjoying your posts so much. Thanks again for visiting my blog, so that I could find yours in turn. Happy New Year to you!


    1. shunpwrites says:

      It is my pleasure Tina!


  9. daringescape says:

    Hey man, I nominated you for the Liebster Award. You’re a great writer. Check it out. http://misadventuresdaringescape.wordpress.com/2014/01/21/oh-goodness-me-a-liebster-nominee/


    1. shunpwrites says:

      Thank you for the honor, I truly appreciate your kindness.


  10. AirportsMadeSimple says:

    Your beloved Aunt’s comment reminded me of advice my Great Aunt told me when she was 89 (I was struggling in my late 20s as to whether I should go back to school or just work hard at my current job) – she said ” you know, you’re going to be the same age if you DO IT as you will be if you DON’T DO IT.”

    Hehe Boy, was she right! I ended up working, but now I’m going back to school. Later. In Life! And, this blogging. The blogging has taught me about new topics, but more important, about human behavior. 🙂


    1. shunpwrites says:

      Yes, you’ve hit the nail on the head. There is so much power in words and nowadays people seem to be at peace with running from them, instead of embracing them! Life is a GIANT classroom, it is incumbent on us to listen!


      1. AirportsMadeSimple says:

        You couldn’t have said it better! Keep up the good work and have a great Thursday! 🙂


  11. 1WriteWay says:

    Thank you for visiting and following my blog. The best part is now I get to enjoy your blog and your excellent writing 🙂


    1. shunpwrites says:

      Thank you for your kind words, I truly appreciate it.


  12. Vee says:

    Hi, thanks for stopping by and following my blog. It’s inspiring that you are embracing life and sharing your voice with others. Best wishes on your writing endeavors and everything else!



    1. shunpwrites says:

      Thank you Vee. It is my hope that I can eventually give back more than I am taking from the Earth.

      I appreciate your kind words & I am thoroughly enjoying your blog as well.


  13. ShunP, I somehow just now found your comment on my blog from December — sorry for not responding to it! Thank you for visiting. I’m enjoying what I’ve read of your blog so far and will be back soon. Have a wonderful day.


    1. shunpwrites says:

      It was my pleasure!


  14. Gede Prama says:

    Thank you friends for sharing the article is quite interesting, hopefully we all get that true happiness rays began to warm our hearts and make the heart glad, when we can share with each other sincerely. Lots of love from Gede Prama 🙂 🙂


  15. Hiya! Thanks for visiting my blog and following me. I look forward to doing the same!


    1. shunpwrites says:

      It was my pleasure! I’ve throughly enjoyed yours so far!


  16. mk says:

    Thanks so much for stopping by, and snooping around a bit. I’m honored that you chose to give me a follow.


  17. Miss Lou says:

    G’day Shun 🙂 Great to meet you, thanks for dropping by and introducing yourself on my blog! Much appreciated.
    Not sure how you happened on my little space in the bloggo-sphere – BUT new friends and interaction is always welcome (almost always)
    If you’re a fan of people karking it due to inadequate access to healthcare, or loose your temper and insult my toes during discussion, then we might have a problem.. lol (things I’m quite passionate about)
    ML (Miss Lou)


  18. ShunP…I appreciate you taking the time to share your insights at Life Through The Storm & your follow. I agree with you, words are powerful – we either speak life or death to ourselves. It behooves us to be mindful of what we’re allowing to influence our sense of self.

    I too believe that we are more than our experiences, yet – they can assist us in being authentic about who we are…who we’re not.

    Blessings as you continue your responsible response to Divine interventions. ~Storm


    1. shunpwrites says:

      It is pleasure Stormie. I look forward to joining you on literary excursions.


      1. …& I you. 🙂


  19. Thank you for following my blog “Eyes to Heart” and for introducing me to your work. I look forward to exploring it. As a writer I fully understand where you’re coming from. A writer must write! … Be well, Dorothy 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. shunpwrites says:

      Thank for your literary patronage Dorothy. Indeed, we must write… Otherwise we are just taking up space.

      I look forward to doing a deep dive into your work as well!


  20. Rajiv says:

    You have a cool blog yourself!


    1. shunpwrites says:

      Thank you sir, I guess it takes one to know one!


  21. Shery Alexander Heinis says:

    Thanks for visiting and “liking” my blog post, and your lovely comments. Your post is quite thoughtful and interesting. I look forward to reading more.


    1. shunpwrites says:

      I thank you Sherry and I appreciate your literary patronage!


  22. aquene7 says:

    Hi Shaun, thanks for following my blog. Totally understand the journey and the writing thing. When something is really part of us I realise its like the air you breathe and circumstance never really shuts it down. look forward to reading your posts.


  23. bejamin4 says:

    This is an amazing about page. Keep writing and finding your way!


    1. shunpwrites says:

      Thank you Bejamin, you honor me with your kind words! If I don’t find my way, my way will find me!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. bejamin4 says:

        So true. You’re welcome!


  24. kneal1 says:

    Shun P, really enjoyed reading your blog, thanks for stopping by my page …I’ll be back soon…Stay positive

    Liked by 1 person

    1. shunpwrites says:

      You honor and flatter me, it was my distinct pleasure Krissy!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. kneal1 says:

        sending the love right back


  25. Allison says:

    “That this thing called life… Is an exercise in living on borrowed time, but words are immortal and never die, hence my attraction to them I suppose.” // That’s the blessing and the curse, isn’t it? The magical thing about words is that they never die, yes, and pushing our thoughts out into the infinite keeps us silent and overflowing at once.

    Great post!


  26. loricarlson66 says:

    I found you via Lori Jenessa Nelson’s blog and I am really glad I did! I look forward to reading more of your words 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. shunpwrites says:

      Thank you for your kind words Lori, I truly hope my words can be impactful in some way shape or form!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. loricarlson66 says:

        You are most welcome, Shun… and I do believe your words WILL have an impact 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  27. livelytwist says:

    We’re all doing life together!
    “Writing is the glue that keeps me from going off the deep end.” It is what has connected us on this platform too.! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  28. Elena says:

    Writing is the glue that keeps me going off the deep end too! Beautiful post thanks for sharing 😀


  29. ShiraDest says:

    Yep, hard not to believe it when you’re told you don’t belong, especially if it’s “family” who tells you: time for me to continue building my own family, of choice, and I thank you for reminding me of that via your blog, and for your concern for history, and for your very ‘impactful’ photo here on your blog. I’ve followed you back here on WP, and am adding you on Twit.
    14.12.12015 HE

    Liked by 1 person

    1. shunpwrites says:

      I thank you for your kind words Shira, I truly appreciate your literary patronage. God bless.

      Liked by 1 person

  30. zikaolofin says:

    Hello Shundrey, your about page says so much about you and your journey. Its quite enlightening. You’re such a deep person and I like that. Looking forward to reading your other posts.


    1. shunpwrites says:

      Thank you for those kind words Zika, I truly appreciate it!

      Liked by 1 person

  31. katelon says:

    Beautiful photos and “bio”. It is wonderful that you have such a loving and supportive family and this outlet called blogging. I look forward to reading more of your story, your thoughts, your inspiration!


    1. shunpwrites says:

      Thank you so much Katelon, I am humbled and honored.

      Liked by 1 person

  32. Ebby Lane says:

    Hello! Thanks for following my blog. I can tell by your bio that you are a gifted writer and I look forward to following your post!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. shunpwrites says:

      I appreciate that Ms. Lane, I hope I can live up to those expectations, I’m glad that you stumbled upon the confines.

      Liked by 1 person

  33. Hello, I found your blog through Katelon of Empower and Balance. It’s a pleasure to meet you and I look forward to reading your posts. ~Steph


    1. shunpwrites says:

      Thank you for the honor of your literary patronage Ms. Coy, I hope that my ruminations prove to be a good use of your time!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You’re very welcome.


  34. chirose says:

    Thank you for the blog follow.!! I look forward to reading more of your blog and hearing about your journey 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. shunpwrites says:

      Thank you, I am honored to have you!

      Liked by 1 person

  35. Hello Shaun! You have a wonderful way of looking at life and it sounds like you are surrounded by people that help you grow. The part about accolades not really meaning anything, really hit home for me. I’m a writer of I write and your’re a writer if you write. Nothing less. I’m loving your blog!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. shunpwrites says:

      Thank you Lisa, that means a lot, I appreciate you! Thanks for coming into the orbit.

      Liked by 1 person

  36. Thank you for visiting! Your comments were greatly appreciated. I took a moment to thumb through your work and I am genuinely impressed. You truly have a artful way with words! Certainly deserves a follow. Best of luck with all your endeavors!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. shunpwrites says:

      Your kind words honor, humble and compel me to thank you. I hope that my missives prove to be a good use of your time – be well!

      Liked by 1 person

  37. You writing skills are unparalleled. This is why I am nominating you for the Liebster Award. Please see the link for additional information. Thanks for spreading your wonderful writings!

    The Liebster Awards 2016

    -Much love xx Joy


    1. shunpwrites says:

      I am honored, flattered and leave speechless. I appreciate your literary patronage. I was tapped for a Liev sterling Award a couple years ago, but I thank you nonetheless.

      Liked by 1 person

  38. Alright … but where is the 2 cents, please???
    LOL Ok, just kidding!
    Love your profile here, buddy.
    I will check on you soon.

    Liked by 1 person

  39. K E Garland says:

    Shun, what part of Chicago are you from? I grew up on the west side, near Oak Park.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. shunpwrites says:

      Near North side, Wicker Park, Milwaukee Avenue & Division Avenue.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. K E Garland says:

        Aha! Used to attend church over there


  40. This…is one of the most INSPIRING, BEAUTIFULLY-WRITTEN bios that I’ve read in a very long time! I just want to thank you for visiting my blog and liking some of my posts, because if it wasn’t for you doing that, I wouldn’t have found myself HERE (and becoming a new follower!) As far as I’m concerned, you have no need to worry about your craft falling on deaf ears or blind eyes. This bio ALONE has reignited the fire in me that had been slowly reduced to dim embers….because of this “consistently INCONSISTENT society” and the learned NEGATIVE behaviors and thought patterns that I’m actually learning to let GO. Long story short….this bio falls perfectly into place with my Inner Healing that’s currently taking place. ALL is in Divine Order. Thank you. I can’t wait to explore your writings here! PEACE and MUCH LOVE to you.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. shunpwrites says:

      Good morning SOULar Lioness, I am honored that my words served to ignite the fires of your processes. The old adage of Each One Each One always seems to rear it’s head when we least expect it.

      God bless and I thank you for your literary patronage.

      Liked by 1 person

  41. sudustories says:

    Thank you for liking my post. Wish you a happy new year and may god gift you the flow of words without any blocks 😄

    Liked by 1 person

  42. Ipuna Black says:

    Nice to meet you, Shundrey. Happy writing. I love long walks or jogs when I’m reflecting on life or what to write about. It looks like you do too from you most recent post. I look forward to more of your posts.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. shunpwrites says:

      The pleasure is mine Mrs. Black!

      Yes, you are correct, I liken long walks through the confines of places that insulate us from the static of the world to a conversation with the Almighty!

      I am glad to have you in the fold!

      Liked by 1 person

  43. C. Rae White says:

    Thanks for reaching out! I enjoy your poetic flow and the creativity of your writing structure! Peace and blessings! C. Rae :o)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. shunpwrites says:

      Thank you sister, I appreciate you, God bless!

      Liked by 1 person

  44. Mikesell says:

    I look forward to reading your work. You have a gift Shun P Writes!

    Liked by 1 person

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