The choice…

“is weaponized …”

My Poe Pilgrimage

I found myself burdened today. Bewildered with a heavy realization. That. To gain stature, one must eat, knowing that procuring nourishment is not an optional endeavor. There is always an open seat at the table of humility, but the shadows of haughtiness and ego are prone to obscuring our line of sight. Today was aContinue reading “My Poe Pilgrimage”

Harboring no illusions

I don’t point the finger of accusatory indignation at those who tread a different path than I. Fortunately, I don’t hold myself in that high of an esteem – to graduate to a pedestal – truth be told I’m a “hot mess”. I’ve come to acknowledge my foibles, shortcomings, contradictions and the like as aContinue reading “Harboring no illusions”

Ardently Searching – A pictorial Essay

I’ve mentioned it tongue-in-cheek on occasion, but sometimes I wonder if there is any substance to my putting it out into the Universe. “If it weren’t for the solace of my excursions, my serial flings with Mother Nature that I’d be batshit crazy, fashionably modeling a strait jacket.” I don’t think it is accidental that IContinue reading “Ardently Searching – A pictorial Essay”

A letter to my Momma – Mother’s Day musings

Momma, I am a writer, but I am not ashamed to bow to the impossibility of encompassing your stature within the feeble confines of words. I considered succumbing to the shadow of failure, before realizing that when it comes to you that… Words are wholly inconsequential. I look at you and see the immutable power of love,Continue reading “A letter to my Momma – Mother’s Day musings”

Leaving you… Doesn’t mean that we’re apart.

Much of who I am had its beginnings in your bosom. I came of age under your tutelage, experiencing victories and defeats alike. I hear your inflections in my voice when I speak. I compare your siblings to you and none of them measures up to you. My experiences inform my steps as I claimContinue reading “Leaving you… Doesn’t mean that we’re apart.”