Divided loyalties – Speaking truth to myself

Life gives the contrast for appreciation, often it just requires being still, engaged in active listening. Being willing to accept what is given, regardless if it is what we want at the time. Being loyal to yourself is a concept that constantly gets lost in the realm of the esoteric. Sadly, like many of theContinue reading “Divided loyalties – Speaking truth to myself”

Heartfelt appreciation and thank you’s

There are a host of thoughts rushing through my mind at the time of this writing. Perhaps, I am writing as an acknowledgement of the apprehension I harbor at confronting the specter of doubt that periodically haunts me, but it would be foolhardy for me to ignore its presence. As I comb through a litanyContinue reading “Heartfelt appreciation and thank you’s”

Courage of your convictions? Not behind an avatar it isn’t.

I am a relic of a bygone era and the realization of this fact saddens me. I came from an time where corporal punishment featured creative uses of the belt, hands, broomsticks, shoes and the like in response to various acts of malfeasance. I don’t intend for this to be a treatise on how wellContinue reading “Courage of your convictions? Not behind an avatar it isn’t.”

American Liberal & Conservative thought, that curiously symbiotic relationship

In my travels throughout the connected world via the Internet and the medium of social media, one of the things that often gives me pause is the invective spewed by people on comment boards. I’ve mentioned previously that I feel that anonymity of the Internet provides people with a layer of courage that would otherwiseContinue reading “American Liberal & Conservative thought, that curiously symbiotic relationship”